The Government of Cambodia has concerns that current waste management practices involving the disposal of municipal and industrial waste are not environmentally sustainable. Increasing levels of daily waste collected from across the country and the impact of the landfill sites where this waste is dumped continues to have a negative impact on the environment. The Government of Cambodia has expressed a desire for alternative waste management solutions.
SMCS Group holds a 40% shareholding in GEI Mekong, a joint venture company created to focus on converting MSW, rubber and plastics into electricity, synthetic diesel, hydrogen and biochar.

Sihanoukville, Cambodia
GEI Mekong is moving through the development phase for a 6-line all-diesel facility to be built in 2 phases and located close to the new Prey Nop Landfill, 20 kilometres from Sihanoukville City. A detailed feasibility study and comprehensive business & investment plan has been submitted to the Royal Government of Cambodia with the aim of acquiring a +25 year waste supply agreement, a fuel production licence and an investment licence.
Investment Value
USD $97 million
* 6 all-diesel Fast Pyrolysis lines
* Processing 480 tonnes of MSW
* Producing 67,200 litres of synfuel, 16,800 litres of oils, 15 tonnes of Biochar, 528 metric tonnes of carbon abatement
* Employing 111 staff